
This is my first blog so bear with me. I have created some information about what I will be sharing on this blog (in the ABOUT section) but I am still working on getting acquainted with the whole blogging universe. I am also working on getting comfortable sharing for many people to see but that is my journey and my reason for blogging.

Thank you for your patience!

About serenitynowwellness

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." -Kahlil Gibran We often hear about wounded healers in the healing arena. These wounded healers can sometimes offer a bad reputation to the healing community because they are trying to heal their wounds through their clients. However, I believe behind every healer, there is a story (or several) of woundedness. It is through these wounds, these trials and tribulations, that we are able to serve our clients. If I did not have a story with some amount of pain, I would not be able to connect with my clients. I was born to serve so I decided this blog would be a great way to help others realize they are not alone. By sharing some of the things I have come through, I am attempting to increase hope. And, even if no one ever reads this blog, I am practicing what I teach- that it is by giving space to both the positive and the negative that life begins to become more manageable and less exhausting. So, this wounded healer is going to share the journey that has brought me here today as well as the speedbumps that continue to come along the way. Knowing always, that when I step into the room with a client, I am in service to them and I serve from the scars, not the wounds. The same is true on here- I serve from the scars, not the wounds to help others know they are not alone.
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1 Response to Welcome

  1. Marja says:

    A brave move – it will be good, just remain true to yourself, sharing only issues that feel ready to be blogged. A compassionate and honest text speaks by itself without an extra ‘umph’ or ‘sugar coating’ on it. Be sure that I’m going to follow your blogs even when I’m in Holland 😉

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